Youth Programming
Bears Youth Program: ages 6-12 years old
Program activities include: swimming, skating, paddle boarding, sports, arts and crafts, games, talking circles, healthy snacks, culture box. One-on-one outreach to work on anxiety, self-esteem, leadership skills, life skills (communication, social skill building and more) is also provided.
Tuesdays from 3:30-5:30 pm
Eagles Youth Program: ages 13-18 years old
Program activities include: hiking, fishing, tracking, fire safety, outdoor educations, swimming, saking, paddle boarding, runnning, culture box, talking circles with Elders and mentors, and more. One-on-one outreach to work on anxeity, self-esteem, leaderships skills, life skills (resume building, budgeting, communication, social skills building and more) is also provided.
Wednesdays from 3:30-5:00 pm
Everyone Welcome Swim:
Swimming is held at the Aquatice Centre. Parent/guardian supervision is mandatory for children and youth unable to swim on their own.
Every second Wednesday from 6:30-8:00 pm
United Way BC School's Out Program: ages 6-12 years old
Program activities include: swimming, skating, sports, arts and crafts, games, talking circles, healthy snacks, school supports and more.
Every Monday from 3:30-5:30pm
This is offered following school schedule, pausing for summer break and resuming when school begins in the Fall.
Contact Information:
BC School's Out Program Coordinatoor: Sarah
Phone: 778-225-1072